Serving the people of Tuscaloosa, Northport, and Tuscaloosa County
Membership Form
If you would like to join us, please print out the .pdf below and fill it in. Mail it with your check to:
League of Women Voters of Greater Tuscaloosa
PO Box 52
Cottondale, AL 35453
Name __________________________________________________________________
Name(s) of additional member(s) in household:
City_____________________________ Zip Code _______________________
Phone (home)___________________ (work/day)______________________
Cell phone______________________
Email address___________________
Amount enclosed $______________
$55 one member. $85 two members same household. $25 student member (16 yrs min).
See below for an explanation of which donations are tax-deductible. Please write your check to: League of Women Voters of Greater Tuscaloosa
Comments (e.g. interests, how you heard about the League)
We are a 501(c)(4) organization, which is not tax-ductible to the donor, although the organization is tax-exempt. Checks payable to LWVGT. Our Education Fund is a 501(c)(3). It is tax-exempt, and donations to the Education Fund are tax-deductible for the donor. Checks payable to LWVGT Ed Fund.